Emergency and Medical Services
Rotor-Lift Aviation is one of Tasmania’s best kept secrets
You may not have heard of us, but we play a vital role in keeping Tasmanian’s safe 24/7, 365 days a year.
For 23 years we have worked closely with Tasmanian Government to deliver essential community and lifesaving Air Ambulance and Search and Rescue services to the people of Tasmania. We’ve helped to save more than 14,000 Tasmanians’ lives in that time.
We provide highly trained pilots, crew members, engineers and of course the helicopters themselves.
When you see those red, blue and yellow helicopters flying overhead, that’s us!
In the last 4 years, we have invested $1,822,750 in Tasmania to improve the helicopters, the facilities, the training and the equipment used to provide the Air Ambulance and the Search and Rescue services.
And the best thing about us?
We are 100% owned and operated by Tasmanians for Tasmanians!
Operational Capabilities
Rotor-Lift Aviation provide internationally-accredited pilots, engineers, ground crew and of course the helicopters themselves – which are like ambulances and police vehicles in the sky – but most importantly, our people know the unique Tasmanian conditions extremely well, so that the people we help don’t need to worry about icing, turbulence and volatile weather.
We proudly provide our clients and partners the below safe and reliable services:
Dedicated rapid response helicopter (HEMS)
Search and Rescue (SAR)
Hospital to hospital medical retrievals
Medivac of people injured in road crashes and isolated in remote areas
Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care transfers
Air lifting injured or ill crew/passengers from vessels at sea
Police operations
Disaster response AMSA support
Diving or other water-rescue related accidents
Who Do We Help?
Our job is saving lives of Tasmanian’s. There’s no job more important, and we do it well!
We’ve flown more medical emergency and search and rescue missions in the state of Tasmania than any other operator, anywhere in the world.
We have provided emergency transport for more than 14,000 Tasmanian’s and visitors since we started in the early 2000’s. In fact, in the last two years alone we have successfully conducted 1797 missions providing safe, reliable and timely rescue and medical assistance in unique and challenging Tasmanian conditions.
We even have our own our base facilities located at the Hobart International Airport, so the Tasmanian Government doesn’t have to worry about procuring vital airport space.
We don’t just know Tasmania. We are proudly part of it and committed to ensuring Tasmanian’s receive the highest levels of care when they are most needed.